Wednesday, October 10, 2007

A System That Could Use Some Technology

Recently I interviewed the federal receiver of prison health care in California. The interview was pretty close in time to my rant about the use of technology in the library. In this interview, however, I discovered a system that is running entirely without technology. I ranted and raved about the sole use of technology in the libraries and I was so upset about the lack of a back up system. Then I learned that the medical care system within the state prisons does not use any technological record system whatsoever. This made me feel a little bad about the harsh tone I took with the libraries dependency on technology.

I can't believe that medical records for any kind of health care system can be kept without a computer. I also learned that they don't even have a neat filing system. All the medical records for the state prisons are kept in shambles. It is the year 2007, I think it is time for a little advancement.

Although I still think it is irresponsible to depend solely on technology and have no back-up system in case of a power loss or whatnot, I also understand the importance of technology in today's world. It is the smartest and most organized way to keep records, such as medical records, in proper order. We have become dependent on technology and I find it strange when it is not used where it so obviously should be. Still, I cannot stress enough how important a back-up system is!

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